Privacy Policy for FootballGrowth

  1. Overview

    This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your personal information in FootballGrowth ("App").

  2. Personal Information Collected

    We collect information like your name, email address, and other personal details when you register or use our App.

    If you need to access, modify, or delete your data, contact us at info @ using the email associated with your account.

    2.1. Account Removal

    On receiving your request for account removal, your account will be put on hold within 7 days. Following this, your account will be permanently removed from our servers 30 days after the suspension.

  3. Automatically Collected Information

    The App may collect data such as your device type, operating system, and usage details automatically.

  4. Purpose of Data Collection

    We use your information to improve the App, provide customer support, and communicate with you.

  5. Sharing Information

    Your information may be shared with third parties for service provision, with your consent or as required by law.

  6. Legal Compliance

    We may disclose your information if required by law or in response to legal processes.

  7. Security Measures

    We take reasonable steps to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction.

  8. Children's Privacy

    For users under 13, we collect personal information only with parental or guardian consent.

    If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us at info @ We will delete such information from our files within a reasonable time.

  9. Information collected offline by football clubs or schools

    The App may also display information collected by football clubs or schools. This information is collected offline by conducting player tests by authorized FIFA coaches. Players under the age of 13 are tested only with their parent or guardian's permission. In this process, the player, and if they are under 13, their parent or guardian, consent to the online display of their information on the App. The offline collected information is accessible only to the player themselves, their parents, and authorized coaches of their football club or school. If the player has consented, along with the parent or guardian's consent for those under 13, this information is also made available to authorized football agents, scouts, and coaches of various football clubs. Aggregated information about the testing (e.g., scores from 1 to 10 for each test, without specifying the actual physical test results) is available to all users of the App.

  10. International Data Transfer

    Your information may be transferred to and maintained on computers located outside of your country or jurisdiction.

  11. Amendments

    This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, and we will notify you of any changes.

  12. Contact Us

    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at info @